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Beautiful Lands


More Songs and Albums by : Adams, Ryan
"I Lost My Fucking Mind" Lyrics

I will never know him, or his name
I wonder when you surrender, what love gains?
And when he wipes that smile from off your face
Oh, he will leave you standing there in shame
You've come a long way
Come along
So you will never know and never could
That I wish I could go back and save you
Or save us
I hear the echoes in the walls we slept and the hollow in the wood
I hear the sound of falling timber where you stood
You're gonna have to come and hold me down
I loved you
You coulda saved my life, you coulda saved my life
I'm so sorry
You coulda saved my life, you coulda proved them right
I lost my fucking mind
I lost my mind
I lost my mind
I lost my fucking mind
I lost my mind
I lost my fucking mind
I really lost my fucking mind