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Beautiful Lands


More Songs and Albums by : Adolescents
"Prey For Armageddon" Lyrics

Neo-Cold War paranoia
Got some punk rock atomic blues
I got a bitter taste feeding on my brain
I feel it gnawing
No rules applying
Just prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon

Living in the fallout
Of the late, great planet earth
Dystopian times
Just prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon
We are prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon

I got a bitter taste feeding on my brain
I feel it gnawing
No rules applying
Just prey for Armageddon
(Just prey)
Prey for Armageddon
(Just prey)
(Just prey)
(Prey for Armageddon)
(Just prey)
Just prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon
Prey for Armageddon...

Prey for Armageddon